Working on 2.0

Hi everybody!

Since Maximus has been published, I have been super amazed by all the feedback I got ❤️ Thank you for checking out my game and giving it a try, it means so very much to me ❤️

This is not yet a release statement, but I wanted all of you to know that working on Maximus 2.0 is well under way. I had planned to have it released a few weeks ago, but life stuff got in the way so of course I need more time. But! Maximus Jones 2.0 is going to be _huge_. The patchnotes are already longer than I can fit on a sheet of paper and they contain multiple bug fixes, improvements (especially in the performance parts!) and new systems to make this adventure more adventurous! There are now treacherous bridges, spooky statues, irritating ground spikes, misleading stepping stone puzzles and bigger rooms with multiple hazards 😊❤️ And of course I couldn't stop myself from creating more art, either.

I am looking forward to releasing it as soon as it is done, but it might still be a few weeks to iron out the last bugs.

Here are a few glimpses into how Maximus looks now!

I hope I'll see you again once this version gets its release 

Hope you have a great day ❤️

- Christina

Get Maximus Jones


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Cannot wait to see the final result <3